Last Updated: November 15, 2024
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Dr. Kimiyuki ASANO's Home Page
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Univesity

Mt. McKinley (2003/08/09)
Reserach Topics
Source Process and Strong Ground Motion of Large Earthquakes
- The 2002 Denali, Alaska, Earthquake (Asano et al., 2005)
- The 2004 Chuetsu, Mid Niigata Prefecture, Earthquake (Asano and Iwata, 2009)
- The 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture Earthquake (Asano and Iwata, 2006)
- The 2005 Off Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake
- The 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake (Asano and Iwata, 2011)
- The 2008 Off Ibaraki Earthquake (Takiguchi et al., 2011)
- The 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (Asano and Iwata, 2011)
- The 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake (Asano and Iwata, 2012)
- The 2011 Off Ibaraki Earthquake (Kubo et al., 2013, 2016, 2020)
- The 2011 Fukushima-ken Hamadori Earthquake (Tanaka et al., 2014)
- The 2014 Northern Nagano Earthquake
- The 2015 Off Kesennuma Earthquake (Asano, 2019)
- The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake (Asano and Iwata, 2016, 2021; Hallo et al., 2017)
- The 2018 Northern Osaka Earthquake (Hallo et al., 2019)
- The 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake (Asano and Iwata, 2019)
- The 2024 Noto Hanto Earthquake
Those source models are available online here.
Source Characteristics of Shallow Intraslab Earthquakes
Please see the papers published in EPS (Asano et al., 2003) and Proceedings of 13WCEE (Asano et al., 2004).
Microtremor Surveys in Sedimentary Basins
- Kaga and Ochigata plains (Asano et al., 2015)
- Toyama Plain
- Hagi and Masuda plains
- Yatsuhiro Plain
- Tsugaru Plain
- Kyoto Basin
- Nara Basin
- Omi Basin (Asano et al., 2021)
Improvement of Velocity Structure Model for Strong Motion Prediction
Osaka Basin
Wakayama Plain (Uebayashi et al., 2018)
Nara Basin (Sekiguchi et al., 2019)
Yatsushiro Plain
Hakodate Plain (Asano et al., 2022)
Toyama Plain
Tsugaru Plain
Katchchh Rift Zone, India (Mandal and Asano, 2019)
Papers (with refrees)
Terakawa, T., K. Asano, and Y. Urata (2025), Constraint on the background stress in the source region of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence based on temporal changes in elastic strain energies and coseismic stress rotation, Geophys. J. Int, 240, 174-188, doi:10.1093/gji/ggae376.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, and H.Sekiguchi (2024), Variation in Rake Angles of Heterogeneous Source Models, Zisin 2nd Series, 76, 287-294, doi:10.4294/zisin.2023-14.
Asano, K., H. Sekiguchi, and T. Iwata (2024), Validation of Deep Velocity Structure Model in the Kyoto and Nara Basins Using Autocorrelation Functions of Strong Motion Records, Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, 24(5), 45-57, doi:10.5610/jaee.24.5_45 .
浅野公之・関口春子・岩田知孝 (2024), 強震記録の自己相関関数を用いた京都-奈良盆地深部地盤構造モデルの検証, 日本地震工学会論文集, 24(5), 45-57, doi: 10.5610/jaee.24.5_45 .
浅野公之・岩田知孝・関口春子 (2024), 不均質震源断層モデルのすべり角のばらつき, 地震第2輯, 76, 287-294, doi:10.4294/zisin.2023-14.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, K. Yoshida, N. Inoue, K. Somei, K. Miyakoshi, and M. Ohori (2022), Microtremor array surveys and development of the velocity model in the Hakodate Plain, Hokkaido, Japan, Earth Planets Space, accepted.
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2021), Revisiting the source rupture process of the mainshock of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake and implications for the generation of near-fault ground motions and forward directivity pulse, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 111, 2426-2440, doi:10.1785/0120210047.
Kubo, H., K. Asano, T. Iwata, and S. Aoi (2020), Along-dip variation in seismic radiation of the 2011 Ibaraki-oki, Japan, earthquake (Mw 7.9) inferred using a multiple-period-band source inversion approach, J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2020JB019936, doi:10.1029/2020JB019936.
Chen, Y.-C., H.-C. Huang, T. Iwata, and K. Asano (2019), Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 2016 ML 6.6 Meinong, Taiwan, Earthquake Using the Empirical Green’s Function Method, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 12905-12919, doi:10.1029/2019JB017661.
Mandal, P. and K. Asano (2019), Three-dimensional ground motion modelling in the Kachchh rift zone, Gujarat, India, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 297, 106322, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2019.106322.
Somei, K., K. Asano, T. Iwata, K. Miyakoshi, K. Yoshida, and M. Yoshimi (2019), Source, Propagation Path, and Site Characteristics Separated from Strong Motion Records during the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, Earthquake Sequence, J. Japan Asocc. Earthq. Eng., 19(6), 42-54, doi:10.5610/jaee.19.6_42. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2019), Source rupture process of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake deduced from strong-motion data considering seismic wave propagation in three-dimensional velocity structure, Earth Planets Space, 71:101, doi:10.1186/s40623-019-1080-0.
Asano, K. (2019), Variation in Source Characteristics of Repeating M6-class Plate-boundary Earthquakes Off Kesennuma, Northeast Japan, J. Japan Asocc. Earthq. Eng., 19(5), 34-45, doi:10.5610/jaee.19.5_34. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Sekiguchi, H., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2019), Three-dimensional velocity structure model of Nara Basin, J. Geol. Soc. Japan, , 125, 715-730, doi:10.5575/geosoc.2018.0053. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Hallo, M., I. Opršal, K. Asano, and F. Gallovič (2019), Seismotectonics of the 2018 northern Osaka M6.1 earthquake and its aftershocks: joint movements on strike-slip and reverse faults in inland Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 71:34, doi:10.1186/s40623-019-1016-8.
Uebayashi, H., M. Ohori, H. Kawabe, K. Kamae, K. Yamada, K. Miyakoshi, T. Iwata, H. Sekiguchi, and K. Asano (2018), Three-dimensional Subsurface Structure Model beneath the Wakayama Plain and Strong Ground Motion Prediction for the Median Tectonic Line, J. Japan Asocc. Earthq. Eng., 18(5), 33-56, doi:10.5610/jaee.18.5_33. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Tsutsumi, H., S. Toda, H. Goto, Y. Kumahara, D. Ishimura, N. Takahashi, K. Taniguchi, M. Omata, Y. Koriya, M. Gomi, K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2018), Paleoseismic trenching across the surface rupture of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake at Jichu, Mashiki Town, Kumamoto Prefecture, Active Fault Res., 49, 31-39, doi:10.11462/afr.2018.49_31. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Asano, K. (2018), Source Modeling of an MW 5.9 Earthquake in the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan, using Offshore and Onshore Strong Motion Waveform Records, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 108(3A), 1231-1239, doi:10.1785/0120170357.
Hallo, M., K. Asano, and F. Gallovič (2017), Bayesian inference and interpretation of centroid moment tensors of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, Kyushu, Japan, Earth Planets Space, 69:134, doi:10.1186/s40623-017-0721-4.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, H. Sekiguchi, K. Somei, K. Miyakoshi, S. Aoi and T. Kunugi (2017), Surface wave group velocity in the Osaka sedimentary basin, Japan, estimated using ambient noise cross-correlation functions, Earth Planets Space, 69:108, doi:10.1186/s40623-017-0694-3.
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2016), Source rupture processes of the foreshock and mainshock in the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence estimated from the kinematic waveform inversion of strong motion data, Earth Planets Space, 68:147, doi:10.1186/s40623-016-0519-9.
Mai, P.M., D. Schorlemmer, M. Page, J.-P. Ampuero, K. Asano, M. Causse, S. Custodio, W. Fan, G. Festa, M. Galis, F. Gallovic, W. Imperatori, M. Käser, D. Malytskyy, R. Okuwaki, F. Pollitz, L. Passone, H. Razafindrakoto, H. Sekiguchi, S.G. Song, S. Somala, K. Thingbaijam, C. Twardzik, M. van Driel, J. Vyas, R. Wang, Y. Yagi, and O. Zielke (2016), The Earthquake-Source Inversion Validation (SIV) Project, Seismol. Res. Lett., 87(3), 690-708, doi:10.1785/0220150231.
Asano, K., H. Sekiguchi, T. Iwata, M. Yoshimi, T. Hayashida, H. Saomoto, and H. Horikawa (2016), Modelling of wave propagation and attenuation in the Osaka sedimentary basin, western Japan, during the 2013 Awaji Island earthquake, Geophys. J. Int., 204(3), 1678-1694, doi:10.1098/gji/ggv543.
Kubo, H., K. Asano, T. Iwata, and S. Aoi (2016), Development of fully Bayesian multiple-time-window source inversion, Geophys. J. Int., 204(3), 1601-1619, doi:10.1098/gji/ggv540.
Miyake, H., K. Asano, K. Koketsu, and T. Iwata (2016), An Overview of Source Models from Strong Motion Records of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, J. Jpn Assoc. Earthq. Eng., 16(4), 12-21, 194-204, doi:10.5610/jaee.16.4_12. (in Japanese with English abstract)(in Japanese with English abstract).
Asano, K., T. Iwata, K. Miyakoshi, and M. Ohori (2015), Study on Underground Velocity Structure Model in the Kaga Plain And the Ochigata Plain Using Microtremor Observations, J. Jpn Assoc. Earthq. Eng., 15(7), 194-204, doi:10.5610/jaee.15.7_194. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Somei, K., K. Asano, T. Iwata, and K. Miyakoshi (2014), Source Scaling of Inland Crustal Earthquake Sequences in Japan Using S-Wave Coda Spectral Ratio Method, Pure Appl. Geophys., 171(10), 2747-2766, doi:10.1007/s00024-014-0774-2
Tanaka, M., K. Asano, T. Iwata, H. Kubo (2014), Source rupture process of the 2011 Fukushima-ken Hamadori earthquake: how did the two subparallel faults rupture?, Earth Planets Space, 66, 101, doi:10.1186/1880-5981-66-101.
Kubo, H., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2013), Source-Rupture Process of the 2011 Ibaraki-oki, Japan, Earthquake (Mw 7.9) Estimated from the Joint Inversion of Strong-Motion and GPS Data: Relationship with Seamount and Philippine Sea Plate, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40(12), 3003-3007, doi:10.1002/grl.50558.
Matsumoto, T., Y. Hisada, M. Nagano, A. Nozu, K. Asano, K. Miyakoshi, and A. Tanabe (2013), Benchmark Tests for Strong Ground Motion Prediction Methods: Case for Theoretical Methods (Part3), AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 19(41), 71-76, doi:10.3130/aijt.19.71. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2012), Source model for strong ground motion generation in the frequency range 0.1-10 Hz during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 64, 1111-1123, doi:10.5047/eps.2012.05.003
Hisada, Y., M. Nagano, A. Nozu, K. Miyakoshi, T. Nakagawa, K. Asano, and T. Matsumoto (2012), Benchmark Tests for Strong Ground Motion Prediction Methods: Case for Theoretical Methods (Part2), AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 18(38), 101-106, doi:10.3130/aijt.18.101. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2011), Source Rupture Process of the 2007 Noto Hanto, Japan, Earthquake Estimated by the Joint Inversion of Strong Motion and GPS Data, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 101, 2467-2480, doi:10.1785/0120100254.
Takiguchi, M., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2011), The Comparison of Source Models of Repeating Subduction-zone Earthquakes Estimated Using Broadband Strong Motion Records -1982 and 2008 Ibaraki-ken-oki M7 Earthquakes-, Zisin 2 (J. Seism. Soc. Jpn.), 63, 223-242, doi:10.4294/zisin.63.223. (in Japanese with English abstract).
Iwata, T. and K. Asano (2011), Characterization of the Heterogeneous Source Model of Intraslab Earthquakes Toward Strong Ground Motion Prediction, Pure Appl. Geophys., 168, 117-124, doi:10.1007/s00024-010-0128-7
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2011), Characterization of Stress Drops on Asperities Estimated from the Heterogeneous Kinematic Slip Model for Strong Motion Prediction for Inland Crustal Earthquakes in Japan, Pure Appl. Geophys., 168, 105-116, doi:10.1007/s00024-010-0116-y.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, A. Iwaki, M. Kuriyama, and W. Suzuki (2009), Ground Motion Characteristics in Anamizu Town Obtained from Earthquake and Microtremor Observations, Zisin 2 (J. Seism. Soc. Jpn.), 62, 121-135, doi:10.4294/zisin.62.121. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Kimura, M., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2009), Comparison of strong and weak ground motion characteristcs using vertical seismic array data - In the case of records during the 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki earthquakes and earthquakes before and after it at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant site, Zisin 2 (J. Seism. Soc. Jpn.), 62, 61-65, doi:10.4294/zisin.62.61. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Iwaki, A., T. Iwata, H. Sekiguchi, K. Asano, M. Yoshimi, and H. Suzuki (2009), Simulation of long-period ground motion in the Oita plain due to a hypothetical Nankai earthquake, Zisin 2 (J. Seism. Soc. Jpn.), 61, 161-173, doi:10.4294/zisin.61.161. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2009), Source Rupture Process of the 2004 Chuetsu, Mid-Niigata Prefecture, Japan, Earthquake Inferred from Waveform Inversion with Dense Strong-Motion Data, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 99, 123-140, doi:10.1785/0120080257.
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2006), Source process and near-source ground motions of the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 58, 93-98, doi:10.1186/BF03351920.
Iwata, T. and K. Asano (2005), Long-period ground motion during the 2004 earthquake sequence off the Kii peninsula and the Tokai district, Zisin 2 (J. Seism. Soc. Jpn.), 58, 273-279, doi:10.4294/zisin1948.58.3_273. (in Japanese with English abstract).
Asano, K., T. Iwata, and K. Irikura (2005), Estimation of Source Rupture Process and Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 2002 Denali, Alaska, Earthquake, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 95, 1701-1715, doi:10.1785/0120040154.
Yamanaka, H., K. Motoki, S. Fukumoto, T. Takahashi, N. Yamada, and K. Asano (2005), Estimation of local site effects in Ojiya city using aftershock records of the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture earthquake and microtremors, Earth Planets Space, 57, 539-544, doi:10.1186/BF03352589.
Suzuki, W., T. Iwata, K. Asano, and N. Yamada (2005), Estimation of the source model for the foreshock of the 2004 Off the Kii Peninsula earthquake and strong ground motion simulation of the hypothetical Tonankai earthquake using the empirical Green's function method, Earth Planets Space, 57, 345-350, doi:10.1186/BF03352574.
- Asano, K., T. Iwata, and K. Irikura (2004), Source Modeling and Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the off Miyagi Intraslab Earthquake of May 26, 2003, Zisin 2 (J. Seism. Soc. Jpn.), 57, 171-185, doi:10.4294/zisin1948.57.2_171. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Asano, K., T. Iwata, and K. Irikura (2003), Source characteristics of shallow intraslab earthquakes derived from strong-motion simulations, Earth Planets Space, 55, e5-e8, doi:10.1186/BF03351744.
Papers (others)
Sekiguchi, H., K. Asano, and M. Yoshimi (2023), Improvement of the Subsurface Structure Model of the Osaka Basin Using Shallow Borehole Data, Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, 66B, 1-4. [Link]
Asano, K., T. Iwata, and H. Sekiguchi (2022), Microtremor Measurements in Ujitawara and Wazuka Basins, Kyoto, Japan, Ann. Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 65B, 1-13. [Link]
Asano, K., T. Iwata, H. Sekiguchi, and T. Sugiyama (2021). Microtremor Array Surveys in the Southern Part of Omi Basin, Ann. Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 64B, 9-20 (in Japanese with English abstract). [Full text (Link)]
Iwata, T., K. Asano, H. Sekiguchi, K. Yamada, M. Suehiro (2020). Seismic Reflection Surveys and Borehole Experiments at the Median Tectonic Line (Wakayama Pref. Area), Ann. Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 63B, 25-45 (in Japanese with English abstract).
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Asano, K., T. Iwata, and T. Shimomura (2018), Validation of bedrock depth model of the Kyoto sedimentary basin using ground motion records, Chikyu Monthy Special, 69, 147-152. (in Japanese)
Iwata, T., K. Asano and H. Tanaka (2018), Repeated arrivals at Amagasaki strong ground motion station, NW of the Osaka sedimentary basin, Japan, from local seismic events, Chikyu Monthy Special, 69, 142-146. (in Japanese)
Asano, K., T. Iwata, H. Sekiguchi, K. Miyakoshi, and T. Nishimura (2013). Performance Check of the Velocity Structure Models Using Microtremor H/V Spectral Ratios in the Osaka Sedimentary Basin, Ann. Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 56B, 117-129 (in Japanese with English abstract).
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Yamashita, K., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2010), Crustal Velocity Structure in Western Japan Using Seismic Interferometry (1) -Estimation of Surface Wave Group Velocity-, Ann. Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 53B, 175-180 (in Japanese with English abstract).
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- Somei, K., K. Asano and T. Iwata (2010), Stress drops of events in the high strain rate zone estimated by spectral ratio method using coda waves, Chikyu Monthly, 32, 440-447 (in Japanese).
- Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2010), Source modeling and strong motion simulation of the 2009 Suruga Bay earthquake (MJMA 6.5) using the empirical Green's function method, Geophys. Bull. Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan, 73, 137-147, doi: 10.14943/gbhu.73.137. (in Japanese with English abstract)
- Iwata, T. and K. Asano (2010), Characterized Source Model of Intraslab Earthquakes for Strong Ground Motion Prediction, Geophys. Bull. Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan, 73, 129-135, [doi: 10.14943/gbhu.73.129. (in Japanese with English abstract)
- Iwata, T., K. Asano, M. Kuriyama, and A. Iwaki (2008), Source Rupture Process and Strong Motion Generation dueing the 2007 Noto-Hanto Earthquake, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 51, 121-127 (in Japanese with English abstract).
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- Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2007), Source rupture process and near-source strong ground motion of the 2005 west off Fukuoka prefecture earthquake, Chikyu Monthly, 29, 106-110 (in Japanese).
- Yamanaka, H., K. Motoki, K. Seo, S. Fukumoto, T. Takahashi, N. Yamada, K. Asano. and T. Iwata (2006), Observation of aftershocks and microtremors in damage areas of the 2004 Mid Niigata prefecture earthquake, Chikyu Monthly, special issue, 53, 172-177 (in Japanese).
Yoshimi, M., K. Asano, T. Iwata, H. Sekiguchi, T. Sugiyama, and H. Nimiya (2024), Bedrock Depth and Velocity Structure of Kyoto-Nara Basins by Dense Microtremor Observation, Proc. 18th World Conf. Earthq. Eng..
Asano, K., T. Iwata, and H. Sekiguchi (2023), Validation of deep velocity structure model in the Kyoto and Nara basins using autocorrelation functions of strong motion waveform records, Proc. 16th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, Day1-G417-15.
Shimazu, H., T. Iwata, K. Asano, K. Somei, and S. Senna (2021), Estimation of Site Effects at Strong Motion Sites in Shizuoka, Prefecture, Japan, Using the Spectral Inversion Method, Proc. 6th IASPEI/IAEE Symposium on Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, paper no. GS5-P34.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, and M. Yoshimi (2021), Ground Motion Simulation of the Mainshock in the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence, Japan, Using a Newly Developed 3D Velocity Model, Proc. 6th IASPEI/IAEE Symposium on Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, paper no. GS4-P03.
Fukutome, S., K. Asano, T. iwata, and H. Sekiguchi (2021), Estimation of Basin Basement Depth Using Autocorrelations of Strong Motion Waveform Data in the Osaka and Kyoto Basins, Japan, Proc. 6th IASPEI/IAEE Symposium on Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, paper no. GS2-P11.
Iwata, T. (2021), Source and Site Effects of the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, Mainshock, Proc. 6th IASPEI/IAEE Symposium on Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, paper no. GS1-I01.
Asano, K., K. Yoshida, K. Miyakoshi, M. Ohori, and T. Iwata (2020), Microtremor Surveys in Large Sedimentary Basins on the Coast of the Sea of Japan, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, paper no. 1f-0006.
Sekiguchi, H., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2020), Strong Ground Motion Simulation in Osaka Basin, Japan, for the 2018 Northern Osaka Prefecture Earthquake, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, paper no. 1d-0046.
Iwata, T., K. Asano, M. Yoshimi, H. Miyake, H. Sekiguchi, S. Matsushima, H. Kawase, F. Nagashima, H. Yamanaka, K. Chimoto, N. Yamada, T. Kanno, M. Shigefuji, S. Senna, T. Maeda, A. Wakai, A. Iwaki, K. Jin, H. Saomoto, S. Tsuno, M. Korenaga, H. Suzuki, S. Manabe, H. Matsuyama, A. Yatagai, S. Okamoto, and M. Suehiro (2020), Strong Ground Motion Prediction for New Source Fault Models of Futagawa and Hinagu Active Fault Zones, Japan, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, paper no. 1c-0017.
Somei, K., K. Asano, T. Iwata, K. Miyakoshi, and M. Ohori (2016), Estimation of Site Amplification Factors for Strong Motion Stations in the Hokuriku District, Japan, Proc. 5th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Taipei, paper P105B.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, H. Sekiguchi, K. Somei, K. Miyakoshi, S. Aoi, and T. Kunugi (2016), Surface Wave Group Velocity Tomography in the Osaka Sedimentary Basin, Japan, Using Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation Functions, Proc. 5th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Taipei, paper P104B.
Sekiguchi, H., K. Asano, T. Iwata, M. Yoshimi, H. Horikawa, H. Saomoto, and T. Hayashida (2016), Construction of a 3D Velocity Structure Model of Osaka Sedimentary Basin, Proc. 5th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Taipei, paper P103B.
Tanaka, H., T. Iwata, and K. Asano (2016), Three-dimensional Ground Motion Simulations of Repeated Arrivals at Amagasaki Strong Motion STation, NW of the Osaka Sedimentary Basin, from Local Events, Proc. 5th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Taipei, paper P101A.
Iwata, T., H. Kubo, K. Asano, K. Sato, and S. Aoi (2016), Long-period Ground Motion Characteristics and Simulations in the Osaka Basin during the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake, Proc. 5th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Taipei, paper I101A.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, K. Miyakoshi, and M. Ohori (2014), Study on Underground Velocity Structure Model in the Kaga Plain And the Ochigata Plain Using Microtremor Observations, Proc. 14th Japan Earthq. Eng. Symp., Chiba, 3002-3010 (in Japanese with English abstract).
Yen, Y.-T., K. Asano, T. Iwata, K.-F. Ma, and Y.-Y. Wen (2014), Source Characteristics and Strong-Motion Simulation of Two Moderate-Size Crustal Earthquakes in Southwest Taiwan, Proc. 5th Asia Conf. Earthq. Eng., Taipei, ROC, paper no. 68.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, and H. Sekiguchi (2012), Application of Seismic Interferometry in the Osaka Basin for Validating the Three-dimensional Basin Velocity Structure Model, Proc. 15th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Lisbon, Portugal, paper no. 0666.
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Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2012), Broadband Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, Earthquake, Proc. 15th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Lisbon, Portugal, paper no. 0934.
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Iwata, T., K. Asano and H. Sekiguchi (2012), A Prototype of Strong Ground Motion Prediction Procedure for Intraslab Earthquake based on the Characterized Source Model, Proc. 15th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Lisbon, Portugal, paper no. 4492.
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Hisada, Y., M. Nagano, A. Nozu, K. Miyakoshi, T. Nakagawa, K. Asano, and T. Matsumoto (2012), Benchmark Tests for Strong Ground Motion Prediction Methods Using Theoretical Methods, Proc. 15th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Lisbon, Portugal, paper no. 0487.
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Sato, K., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2012), Long-period Ground Motion Characteristics of the Osaka Sedimentary Basin during the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake, Proc. 15th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Lisbon, Portugal, paper no. 4494.
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Asano, K., A. Iwaki, and T. Iwata (2011), Estimation of Interstation Green's Functions in the Long-Period Range (2-10s) from Continuous Records of F-net Broadband Seismograph Network in Southwestern Japan, Proc. 4th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Santa Barbara, paper no. 2.21.
[Full text (Link)]
Iwata, T., K. Asano, and H. Sekiguchi (2011), Construction of Procedure of Strong Ground Motion Prediction for Intraslab Earthquakes Based on Characterized Source Model, Proc. 4th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Santa Barbara, paper no. 3.6. [Full text (Link)]
Iwata, T. and K. Asano (2010), Validation of Characterized Source Model for Intraslab Earthquakes for Strong Motion Prediction, Proc. 13th Japan Earthq. Eng. Symp., Tsukuba, 1893-1898 (in Japanese with English abstract). [Full text (Link)]
Kimura, M., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2010), Ground Motion Characteristics of Horizontal and Vertical Motions at the KiK-net IWTH25 Station, Proc. 13th Japan Earthq. Eng. Symp., Tsukuba, 3137-3144 (in Japanese with English abstract). [Full text (Link)]
Somei, K., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2010), Comparisons of Source Characteristics of Events in the High Strain Rate Zone and Others, Proc. 13th Japan Earthq. Eng. Symp., Tsukuba, 305-312 (in Japanese with English abstract). [Full text (Link)]
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2009), A Kinematic Inversion of Slip and Peak Slip-Velocity using Broadband Strong Motion Data, Proc. French-Japanese Workshop on Earthquake Source, Paris-Orleans, France, 38-39.
Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2008), Source modeling of recent large inland crustal earthquakes in Japan and source characterization for strong motion prediction, Proc. 14th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Beijing, China, Paper No. 03-01-0025.
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Iwata, T., K. Asano, M. Kuriyama, and A. Iwaki (2008), Non-linear site response characteristics of K-NET ISK005 station and relation to the earthquake disaster during the 2007 Noto-Hanto earthquake, central Japan , Proc. 14th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Beijing, China, Paper No. 01-1026.
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Iwata, T. and K. Asano (2007), Source Process Characteristics of the 2007 Noto-Hanto Earthquake, Proc. 35th Symp. Earthq. Ground Motion, AIJ, 7-12 (in Japanese).
Iwata, T., K. Asano, and W. Suzuki (2006), Source model of the 2005 West off Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, earthquake and its ground motion characteristics in Fukuoka city, Proc. Third International Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Grenoble, France, 599-606.
- Asano, K., T. Iwata, and K. Irikura (2004), Characterization of Source Models of Shallow Intraslab Earthquakes using Strong Motion Data, Proc. 13th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Vancouver, Canada, Paper No. 835.
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Book Chapters
Iwata, T. and K. Asano (2014), Source Process, in The Earthquake and Ground Motion, Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, Fundamental Aspects 1, Joint Editorial Committee for the Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster (ed.), 53-72 (in Japanese).
Asano, K., H. Sekiguchi, T. Iwata, W. Suzuki, S. Aoi, and T. Kunugi (2014), Source Process of the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, H. Kawase (ed.), in Studies on the 2011 Off the Pacifi c Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Natural Disaster Science and Mitigation Engineering: DPRI reports, H. Kawase (Editor), Springer, Japan, 17-36.
Nishigami, K., H. Katao, T. Iwata, K. Asano, T. Shibutani, and M. Hashimoto (2011), Monitoring of Seismic Activity, Encyclopedia of Natural Disasters and Disaster Prevention, edited by K. Takara, K. Toda, and M. Hashimoto, Maruzen Publishing, Tokyo, Japan, pp.53-57 (in Japanese).
Personal Information
Academic Background
- 2007/3 D.Sc. in Geophysics
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
- 2004/3 M.Sc. in Geophysics
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
- 2002/3 B.Sc. in Geophysics
Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Professional Background
- 2024/4-present Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
- 2016/1-2024/3 Associate Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
- 2013/5-2013/12 Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 2007/4-2015/12 Assistant Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
- 2006/4-2007/3 JSPS Research Fellow
- 2005/6-2006/3 Research Assistant, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
- 2004/6-2005/3 Research Assistant, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Honors and Awards
Highlighted Paper 2017 in Earth, Planes and Space, Feb. 2017
Excellent Paper Award from the Seismological Society of Japan, Oct. 2017
Young Scientist Award from the Seismological Society of Japan, May 2013
- Laboratory Work in Earth & Planetary Sciences DC (undergraduate, 3475)
- Applied Seismology A (graduate, 5034)
- Applied Seismology B (graduate, 5035)
- Seiminar on Applied Seismology A-D (graduate, 5144-5147)
- Special Study for Earth and Planetary Sciences A-D (graduate, 5181-5184)
Professional Activities
- 2024/4-present, Member, Strong Motion Committee, Seismological Society of Japan
- 2022/7-present, Chair, Sub-committee of Earthquake Observation, Committee of Earthquake Observation and Research in the Kansai Area
- 2022/6-2023/12, Member, Organizing Committee of the 16th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium
- 2020/4-2023/3, Member, Awards Committee, Seismological Society of Japan
- 2019/4-2021/5, Member, Editorial Committee of Bulletin of JAEE, Japan Associatetion for Earthquake Engineering
- 2018/6-2022/7, Vice-Chair, Sub-committee of Earthquake Observation, Committee of Earthquake Observation and Research in the Kansai Area
- 2018/2-2021/10, Member, Publicity Subcommittee, Organizing Committee of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
- 2017/4-present, Member, Subcommittee on Ground Motion, Managing Committee on Engineering Seismology and Structural Dynamics, Research Committee on Structures, Architectural Institute of Japan
- 2017/1-2020/12, Editorial Board Member, Earth, Planets and Space
- 2016/4-2019/3, Member, Strong Motion Committee, Seismological Society of Japan
- 2013/10-2014/3, Member, Election Management Committee, Seismological Society of Japan
- 2012/5-present, Borad of Directors, Kyoto University CO-OP
- 2012/4-present, Representative, Seismological Society of Japan
- 2010/4-2012/3, Member, Meetings and Planning Committee, Seismological Society of Japan
- 2010/1-2018/6, Member, Sub-committee of Earthquake Observation, Committee of Earthquake Observation and Research in the Kansai Area
- Seismological Society of Japan (2002-)
- Japan Geoscience Union (2009-)
- Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering (2013-)
- Architectural Institute of Japan (2011-)
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan (2021-)
- American Geophysical Union (2002-)
- Seismological Society of America (2002-)
- The Committee of Earthquake Observation and Research in the Kansai Area (2007-)
Funding and Research Projects
Research Projects Conducting as PI
Other Participating Projects
- The Third Earthquake and Volcano Hazards Observation and Research Program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo) (Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2029)
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Special Purposes #23K17482 (Jun. 2023 - Mar. 2025)
2023年5月5日の地震を含む能登半島北東部陸海域で継続する地震と災害の総合調査 (PI: Prof. HIRAMATSU Yoshihiro)
- Comprehensive Research Project for the Morimoto-Togashi Active Fault Zone by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University) (Jun. 2022 - Mar. 2025)
- The Second Earthquake and Volcano Hazards Observation and Research Program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo) (Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2024)
- Comprehensive Research Project for the Nara-Bonchi-Toen Active Fault Zone by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University) (Jun. 2019 - Mar. 2022)
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Special Purposes #18K19952 (Oct. 2018 - Mar. 2019)
Comprehensive study on the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake and its disaster (PI: Prof. TAKAHASHI Hiroaki)
- Comprehensive Research Project for the Major Active Faults Related to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Kyushu University) (Nov. 2016 - Mar. 2019)
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Special Purposes #16H06298 (Apr. 2016 - Sep. 2017)
Comprehensive Studies for the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake (PI: Prof. SHIMIZU Hiroshi)
- Earthquake and Volcano Hazards Observation and Research Program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo) (Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2019)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) #26282104 (Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2018)
Study on earthquake source model of interplate earthquakes for broad-band strong ground motion prediction (PI: Tomotaka IWATA)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) #26242034 (Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2018)
Systematic studies on Life-Continuation Plan of high-rise buildings from long-period ground motions due to Mega-thrust events (PI: Prof. Hiroshi KAWASE)
Integrated Research Project on Seismic and Tsunami Hazards around the Sea of Japan by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo) (Aug. 2013 - Mar. 2021)
- Research Project for Compound Disaster Mitigation on the Great Earthquakes and Tsunamis around the Nankai Trough Region by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) (Jul. 2013 - Mar. 2020)
- Comprehensive Research Project for the Median Tectonic Line Active Fault System by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University) (Jul. 2013 - Mar. 2016)
- Earthquake Research Institute Joint Usage/Research Program Specific Research Project (B): Dynamic Source Models for the Next Generation Ground Motion Prediction (PI: Prof. Hiroe MIYAKE) (Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2015)
- JSPS Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation: Leading International Cooperative Research of Integrated Disaster Science on Evolving Natural Hazards (Host: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University) (Nov. 2011 - Mar. 2014)
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) #23310121 (Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2014)
Study on validation and verification of the underground seismic velocity model for broad-band ground motion prediction (PI: Prof. Tomotaka IWATA)
- JST J-RAPID Program: Quantitative Assessment of Nonlinear Soil Response during the Great The 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake (PI: Prof. Hiroshi KAWASE) (Oct. 2011 - Mar. 2013)
- 2010-2015 HPCI Strategic Program for Innovative Research Field3: Advanced Prediction Researches for Natural Disaster Prevention and Reductionby the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
- Comprehensive Research Project for the Uemachi Active Fault System by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University) (Jun. 2010 - Mar. 2013)
- Observation and Research Program for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo) (Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2014)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) #21310118 (Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2012)
Investigation of the generating mechanism of the trampoline effect on ground motion (PI: Dr. Shin AOI)
- 2008-2012 Research Project for Intensive Survey and Study on the Concentrated Strain Zone by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) #20310105 (Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2011)
Establishment of strong ground motion prediction methodology based on generation of extreme strong motions (PI: Prof. Tomotaka IWATA)
- 2007-2011 Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Tokyo Metropolitan Area by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Host: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
Section of Strong Motion Seismology, Division of Earthquake Disasters,
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University