2nd ESG Workshop in 1998

2ESG "Second Circular"


The Second International Symposium will provide an opportunity to exchange information on the broad spectrum of the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion (ESG). At the same time, it is intended to stimulate further ESG studies using strong motion data observed in recent devastating earthquakes.


December 1【3·1998
TEPCO R/D Centers·Yokohama City·Kanagawa Prefecture.


The official language will be English.


The registration fee will be expected to be 30,000yen (US○250) including the Conference Proceedings.


The symposium will consist of technical sessions and four special sessions.

Technical Sessions
The technical sessions will cover the following eleven topics:

Special Sessions
The following four special sessions have been organized to discuss topics of special interest:

1) Simultaneous Simulation: What's the key?
As a special effort for ESG98, you are cordially invited to participate in the Simultaneous Simulation (SS) for Kobe and Northridge. This is an open prediction competition. The purpose of the SS project is threefold: to compare the simulated synthetics submitted by participants from all over the world; to understand the key parameters for quantitative prediction of strong ground motions; and to explore future directions of research related to the ESG study and strong motion prediction through the results of SS.
[a] Kobe case
[b] Northridge case

2) Test Sites
This session will consist of two themes:
[a] Ashigara Valley
Report of additional work done following the 1992 Ashigara Blind Prediction experiment will be prepared by the Japanese Working Group.
[b] Test site studies in various countries
The progress, problems and perspectives observed at various test sites such as, Turkey Flat, Kushiro, Thessaloniki, Mexico City, Guerrero, Taipei, Manila and others will be discussed.

3) State-of-the-art Reports
State-of-the-art reports on seven topics relevant to the ESG studies will be presented:
The speakers for the State-of-the-art Reports will be invited by the Local Organizing Committee.

4) Panel Discussion
This will deal with two themes:
[a] Products of completed ESG studies and remaining problems
[b] Prediction of strong motions and seismic hazard analyses
The discussion leaders for the Panel Discussion will be invited by the Local Organizing Committee.


Dec.1 (Tues.)
8:30~ 9:30 Registration
9:30~10:30 Opening Ceremony
10:30~13:00 Simulation (1)Kobe, Northridge
13:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~16:00 Simulation (2)Kobe, Northridge
16:00~18:00 Simulation (3)

Dec.2 (Wed.)
9:30~10:30 Test Sites (1)Ashigara Valley
10:30~13:00 State-of-the-art Report (1)
13:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~16:00 Test Sites (2)General
16:00~18:00 State-of-the-art Report (2)
Dec.3 (Thur.)
9:30~10:30 Technical Sessions (1)
10:30~13:00 Technical Sessions (2)
13:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~16:00 Technical Sessions (3)
16:00~18:00 Panel Discussion and Closing Ceremony


January 31, 1998 : Deadline for receiving abstracts

March 31, 1998 : Distribution of the 3rd announcement and instructions for preparation of papers to the participants
August 31, 1998 : Deadline for receiving papers of the proceedings
December 1-3, 1998 : Symposium


Individuals wishing to present papers at Technical Sessions and Special Sessions 1 and 2b of the Symposium are requested to submit abstracts to the Local Organizing Committee. The authors who submit abstracts will be requested to write an 8-page maximum paper for inclusion in the proceedings.

General information
1. Authors are requested to submit their abstracts by e-mail to the following address:


The subject of the e-mail should be "ESG98" without quotations. Authors who have no access to e-mail may use facsimile to submit a printed form of the abstract:

Fax. no. +81-3-3508-2196

(Note that the printed version is incorrect. This is the correct number. We are sorry for any incovenience caused by this)

To: Hiroshi Kawase, ORI, Shimizu Corp.
Subject: ESG98

2. The deadline for receiving abstracts is January 31, 1998.

3. The local organizing committee will send an immediate acknowledgment for abstracts submitted by e-mail. Receipt by fax will be acknowledged within two weeks.

4. The abstract must be written in English.

5. The total length of the abstract should be no more than 300 words.


Technical Sessions

1. Header of the abstract must include: (a) Title of the paper in capital letters. (b) Name of the author(s) (use the following: Surname, Given Name, Middle Initials). (c) Name, affiliation, address (street, city, state, zip code, country, telephone, fax, e-mail) of the contacting author. (d) The most appropriate topic related to the paper (to be selected from the list of eleven topics).

2. The abstract must contain the following: (a) Objective. (b) Methods. (c) Results. (d) Conclusions. The conclusions must be clearly stated.

Special Sessions

1) Simultaneous Simulation

1. Header of the abstract must include: (a) Title of the paper in capital letters. (b) Name of the author(s) (use the following: Surname, Given Name, Middle Initials). (c) Name, affiliation, address (street, city, state, zip code, country, telephone, fax, and e-mail) of the contacting author. (d) The site of your choice, Kobe or Northridge (Please note that you must submit two separate abstracts if you want to participate in the simulations at both sites).

2. The abstract must provide the following information: (a) Focus of your simulation (e.g., 2D/3D basin effects, nonlinear response, validity of the empirical Green's function method, and so on); (b) Methods you are going to use (e.g., finite element, 1-D effective stress analysis, and so on). (c) Sites and earthquakes in which you are most interested (e.g., Kobe University site, mainshock or aftershocks, and so on).

2) Test Sites [b]
1. Header of the abstract must include: (a) Title of the paper in capital letters. (b) Name of the author(s) (use the following: Surname, Given Name, Middle Initials). (c) Name, affiliation, address (street, city, state, zip code, country, telephone, fax, e-mail) of the contacting author. (d) Name of the test site.

2. The abstract must contain the followings: (a) Objectives. (b) General description of the test site. (c) Main achievements and results.


1) General rules of SS for Kobe
Data collected and prepared for the SS project will be open to anybody who wishes to participate. Figures will be placed on the Web of ESG98 (http://sms.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ESG98.html) and printed forms will be mailed upon request only to those who have difficulty accessing the Web. All the observed records prepared for the SS project will be mailed as a CD-ROM once you register.

The target sites for which you need to calculate synthetics will be specified. Only some of them contain strong motion records either mainshock or aftershocks, which will be provided to you in advance. Among the target sites six will be in Kobe and six in Osaka. It is mandatory to submit mainshock synthetics at these target sites, but submission of mainshock synthetics at other sites is optional.

There is no restriction on the method to be used. Thus you can use observed rock-site records as a reference if you want. You need to submit a paper later which describes the methodology, assumptions, and the calculated results. If you need a complex rupture process of the mainshock, we recommend that you use one of the well-constrained inversion results.

2) Available data
Observed strong motion records
Earthquakes: Mainshock and three aftershocks
Supporting agencies: JMA, Kobe City, Osaka Gas, Kansai Electric Power Co., Sekisui House, and CEORKA(under negotiation)
Ground data
Deep basin structure: A reference model will be provided.
Shallow surface layers: Reference models at the target sites will be provided.
Source information
Mainshock: An inversion result to be used will be provided.
Aftershock: Locations and source parameters will be provided.

List of selected papers relevant to the SS project will be provided.

3) Output need to be submitted
Synthetics: Both acceleration and velocity with a specified ASCII format.
Questionnaire: Complete a questionnaire on the methodology and the assumptions used.

4) Schedule
Start of data distribution: 97/11/30 (by CD-ROM)
Deadline for registration: 98/01/31 (by e-mail)
Deadline of simulated motions: 98/07/31 (by floppy disk)

5) Northridge case
The SCEC project relevant to the Northridge SS is currently in progress in the U.S. However, the schedule is somewhat delayed and so it seems difficult to receive the data from them in a timely manner. We are trying to find an alternative way to compile available data for Northridge. Please register as participants and watch our Web site if you are interested in the Northridge simulation.


W.D.Iwan(Co-chair), K.Kudo(Co-chair), R.Archuleta, P.Y.Bard, M.Basili, J.Bielak, M.Erdik, S.Iai, H.Kawase, C-H.Loh. K.Pitilakis, G.Santana, B.E.Tucker, L-L.Xie, J.Zahradnik


H.Okada (Chairman), K.Irikura, Y.Takeuchi, K.Seo, S.Higashi, Y.Hisada, M.Horike, M.Hoshiba, S.Iai, T.Iwata, F.Kaneko, H.Kawase, Y.Kitagawa, K.Koketsu, K.Konagai, K.Kudo, M.Niwa, Y.Ohta, I.Okawa T.Sasatani, Y.Sawada, H.Yamanaka, T.Yamashita, Y.Yasui, Y.Yokoi, N.Yoshida, T.Uetake


Additional information for the Symposium will be provided on Internet address:
