
日時: 2004年2月18日(水)10時30分〜11時30分
場所: 防災研究所本館5階D570室
講演者: Dr. Ali Oncel (独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所活断層研究センター特別研究員)
タイトル: Seismic source characterization defined by minima of local recurrence time before the 2003 MJ8.0 Tokachi-Oki Earthquake"

We specify the most likely locations of asperities in the Tokachi-Oki rupture plane and compare their places, sizes and numbers to suggested asperities defined by strong-motion modelling. We used the technique of mapping local recurrence time (TL) based on the declustered microseismicity that is homogeneous for MJ8.0 during 1997-2003. We mapped TL in the rupture area bounded by 41.5°-42.8° latitude and 143°-144.9° longitude. TL is the probabilistic estimate of recurrence time, calculated from the a- and b-values.