Strong Motion Seismology, DPRI, Kyoto Univ.

Publication List in 2004

Reviewed Papers

Asano, K., T. Iwata, and K. Irikura,
Source Modeling and Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the off Miyagi Intraslab Earthquake of May 26, 2003, Zisin 2 (J. Seism. Soc. Jpn.), 57, 171-185, 2004. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Birgören, G., H. Sekiguchi, and K. Irikura,
Rupture model of the 1999 Düzce, Turkey, earthquake deduced from high and low frequency strong motion data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L05610, doi:10.1029/2003GL019194, 2004.
Iwata, K. and H. Miyake,
Ground motion simulation during a scenario earthquake based on the strong motion prediction recipe -In case of the northern part of the Biwako-Seigan faults as a hypothetical source fault-, J. JSNDS, 23, 259-271, 2004. (in Japanese with English Abstract)
Kagawa, T., K. Irikura, and P. G. Somerville,
Differences in ground motion and fault rupture process between the surface and buried rupture earthquakes, Earth Planets Space, 56, 3-14, 2004.
Kagawa, T., B. Zhao, K. Miyakoshi, and K. Irikura,
Modeling of 3D Basin Structures for Seismic Wave Simulations Based on Available Information on the Target Area: Case Study of the Osaka Basin, Japan, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 94, 1353-1368, 2004.
Matsunami, K. and M. Nakamura,
Seismic attenuation in a nonvolcanic swarm region beneath Wakayama, southwest Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B09302, doi:10.1029/2003JB002758, 2004.
Satoh, T., H. Kawase, T. Iwata, S. Higashi, T. Sato, and H.-C. Huang,
S-wave velocity structures of sediments estimated from array microtremor records and site responses in the near-fault region of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake, J. Seism., 8, 545-558, 2004.
Zhang, W., T.Iwata, K. Irikura, A. Pitarka, and H. Sekiguchi,
Dynamic rupture process pf the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L10605, doi:10.1029/2004GL019827, 2004.
Zhou, S, K. Irikura, and X. Chen,
Analysis of the reliability and resolution of the earthquake source history inferred from waveforms, taking the Chi-Chi earthquake as an example, Geophys. J. Int. 157, 1217-1232, 2004.


Aguirre, J. and K. Irikura,
Source Characterization Of Mexican Subduction Earthquakes For The Predction Of Strong Ground Motions, Proc. 13th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 1572, Aug. 2004.
Asano, K., T. Iwata, and K. Irikura,
Characterization Of Source Models Of Shallow Intraslab Earthquakes Using Strong Motion Data, Proc. 13th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 835, Aug. 2004.
Dalguer, L. A., H. Miyake, and K. Irikura,
Characterization Of Dynamic Asperity Source Models For Simulating Strong Ground Motion, Proc. 13th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 3286, Aug. 2004.
Irikura, K., H. Miyake, T. Iwata, K. Kamae, H. Kawabe, and L. A. Dalguer,
Recipe For Predicting Strong Ground Motion From Future Large Earthquake, Proc. 13th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 1371, Aug. 2004.
Miyake, H., T. Iwata, and K. Irikura,
Controlling Factors Of Strong Ground Motion Prediction For Scenario Earthquakes, Proc. 13th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2801, Aug. 2004.
Iwata, T., H. Sekiguchi, H. Miyake, W. Zhang, and K. Miyakoshi,
Dynamic Source Parameters And Characterized Source Model For Strong Motion Prediction, Proc. 13th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2392, Aug. 2004.

Books and other papers

Birgören, G. and K. Irikura,
Stochastic Green's Function Technique with Phase Dependent Site Response: Case of the Düzce Basin, Turkey, IUGG Special Volume, Earthquake, Hazard, Risk, and Strong Ground Motion, Edited by Y.T. Chen, G.F. Panza, and Z.L. Wu, Beijing, China, 259-276, 2004.
K. Irikura,
Recipe for Predicting Strong Ground Motion from Future Large Earthquake, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 46, A, 25-45. (in Japanese)
Sato, T., K. Irikura, M. Nakashima, H. Tanaka., K. Matsunami, S. Sawada, K. Suita, T. Iwata, and R. Honda,
Advanced Techniques for Evaluating Vulnerability of Urban Infrastructure by Integrating Multiple Evaluation Indexes, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 47, C, 9-23.
Yamada, N. and T. Iwata,
Long-period Ground Motion Simulation in Kinki Area, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 47, C, 149-155.