Reporter: | 山田 伸之 [Nobuyuki Yamada] |
Title: |
Sibylle Steimen, Donat Fäh, Fortunat Kind, Christian Schmid, and Domenico Giardini (2003). Identifying 2D Resonance in Microtremor Wave Fields, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 93, 583-599. |
Summary: | They present a concept to identify resonance models for 2D structures. This is done for synthetic by FDM as well as measured microtremor wave fields. The microtremor data were investigated by using the reference station method (RSM) and horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) method. Analyzing the synthetic microtremor data in profiles across 2D structures, RSM turned out to be much more suitable for the detection of 2D resonances than H/V method. They therefore focused to identify the resonance frequency on RSM when analyzing the measurement data from two test sites in Switzerland, the St. Jakob- Tülingen syncline near Basel and Rhone valley near the village Vetroz. |
Reporter: | 鈴木 亘 [Wataru Suzuki] |
Title: |
Ryou Honda and Kiyoshi Yomogida (2003). Effects of a soft surface layer on near-fault static and dynamic displacements, Geophysical Journal International 154, 441-462. |
Summary: | 本論文では半無限空間上に軟らかい層が存在するときの表面での変位の時刻歴を 離散化波数法を用いて合成し、動的な変位(波動)だけではなく 静的な変位(永久変位量)も層の存在により増幅されることを示している。 したがって測地学的なデータより断層パラメータを求める際に半無限媒質を仮定すると 正しく見積もることができない可能性があるので注意が必要である。 |