2017年の研究成果 (論文発表)
Asano, K., T. Iwata, H. Sekiguchi, K. Somei, K. Miyakoshi, S. Aoi, and T. Kunugi (2017),
Surface wave group velocity in the Osaka sedimentary basin, Japan, estimated using ambient noise cross-correlation functions, Earth Planets Space, 69:108, doi:10.1186/s40623-017-0694-3. [Link (Open Access)]
Hallo, M., K. Asano, and F. Gallovič (2017), Bayesian inference and interpretation of centroid moment tensors of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, Kyushu, Japan, Earth Planets Space, 69:134, doi:10.1186/s40623-017-0721-4. [Link (Open Access)]
上林宏敏・大堀道広・川辺秀憲・釜江克宏・山田浩二・岩田知孝・関口春子・浅野公之 (2017), 中央構造線断層帯(金剛山地東縁-和泉山脈南縁)周辺域の地下構造モデルの高度化と強震動予測, 第45回地盤震動シンポジウム論文集, 63-74.
Ito, Y., P. F. Green, K. Takemura, and T. Iwata (2017),
Fission Track Thermochronology of Late Cretaceous Sandstones of the Izumi Group Adjacent to the Median Tectonic Line Active Fault System in Southwest Japan , Y. Itoh (ed.), Evolutionary Models of Convergent Margins - Origin of Their Diversity, 97-116. [Link]
Ito, Y. and T. Iwata (2017),
Structural Features Along the Median Tectonic Line in Southwest Japan: An Example of Multiphase Deformation on an Arc‐Bisecting Fault , Y. Itoh (ed.), Evolutionary Models of Convergent Margins - Origin of Their Diversity, 139-152. [Link]
Ito, Y., T. Iwata, and K. Takemura (2017),
Three-Dimensional Architecture of the Median Tectonic Line in Southwest Japan Based on Detailed Reflection Seismic and Drilling Surveys, Y. Itoh (ed.), Evolutionary Models of Convergent Margins - Origin of Their Diversity, 51-71. [Link]