2008年の研究成果 (論文発表)
Iwaki, A. and T. Iwata (2008).
Validation of 3D basin structure models for long-period ground motion simulation in the Osaka basin, western Japan, J. Seism., 12, 197-215. [Link]
Iwata, T., T. Kagawa, A. Petukhin, and Y. Onishi (2008).
Basin and crustal velocity structure models for the simulation of strong ground motions in the Kinki area, Japan, J. Seism., 12, 223-234. [Link]
栗山雅之・隈元 崇・関口春子・岩田知孝 (2008).
地震規模予測の考え方の違いが長大活断層で発生する地震の強震動予測結果にもたらす影響の評価 -糸魚川‐静岡構造線活断層帯北部・中部を震源断層として‐, 自然災害科学, 27, 45-67. [Link]
岩田知孝・浅野公之・栗山雅之・岩城麻子 (2008).
2007年能登半島地震の震源モデルと強震動, 京都大学防災研究所年報, 51A, 121-127. [Link]
岩田知孝・岩城麻子・関口春子・吉見雅行 (2008).
地域特性を反映した長周期地震動, 長周期地震動対策に関する公開研究集会, 日本建築学会構造委員会高機能社会耐震工学ワーキンググループ編, 1-52.
Asano, K.. and T. Iwata (2008).
Source modeling of recent large inland crustal earthquakes in Japan and source characterization for strong motion prediction, Proc. 14 World Conf. Earthq. Eng., paper no. 03-01-0025. [Link]
Iwaki, A. and T. Iwata (2008).
Long-period ground motion characteristics in Osaka basin, Japan, from strong motion records of large earthquakes, Proc. 14 World Conf. Earthq. Eng., paper no. S10-053. [Link]
Iwata, T., K. Asano, M. Kuriyama, and A. Iwaki (2008).
Non-linear site response characteristics of K-NET ISK005 station and relation to the earthquake disaster during the 2007 Noto-Hanto earthquake, central Japan, Proc. 14 World Conf. Earthq. Eng., paper no. 01-1026. [Link]
Opršal, I., C. Matyska, and K. Irikura (2008).
A General Boundary Condition in 3D Hybrid Wave Injection Modeling Based on Alterman and Karal (1968) Method , Proc. 14 World Conf. Earthq. Eng., paper no. 03-01-0035. [Link]