March 24,1998 I got the degree of Doctor of Science.

Visiting profesor from 2003.1.28-2003.4.27 and 2004.1.8-2004.3.30

Curriculum vitae.

Recent Papers

J.C. Montalvo-Arrieta, E. Reinoso,J. Aguirre and F.J. Sanchez-Sesma, (2004). Comment on 'evidence of the dominance of higher-mode surface waves in the lake-bed zone of the valley of Mexico by Sapiro et al', Geophys. J. Int. (dowload pdf file)

Aguirre, J. and K. Irikura, (2003). Reliability of Envelope Inversion for the High-Frequency Radiation Source Process Using Strong Motion Data: Example of the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu Earthquake, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 93, 2236-2252. (dowload pdf file)

Hortencia Flores Estrella and Jorge Aguirre, (2003). SPAC: An alternative method to estimate earthquake site effects in Mexico City, Geofisica Internacional, 42, 227-236. (dowload pdf file)

S. Alejandro Gil-Zepeda, Frnacisco Luzon,Jorge Aguirre, Jose Morales, Francisco J. Sanchez-Sesma and Carlos Ortiz-Aleman, (2003). 3D Seismic Response of the Deep Basement Structure of the Granada Basin (Southern Spain), Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 92, 2163-2002. (dowload pdf file)

Now I am working in Mexico at the UNAM,

You can contact to me by e-mail:


Postal adress: Cd. Universitaria, Apdo. Postal 70-472, Coyoacan, C.P. 04510, Mexico D.F., Tel.: +52-(55)-56-23-35-00 ext. 1262 Fax.: +52-(55)-56-22-34-62
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