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Tomotaka IWATA, Dr. Sc.
Academic Background
D.Sc. in Geophysics
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (1989.3)
M.Sc. in Geophysics
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (1983.3)
B.Sc. in Geophysics
Faculty of Science, Kyoto University (1981.3)
Professional Background
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (2004.11-present)
Research Associate
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (1989.7-2004.10)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (1989.4-1989.6)
Research Interests
Strong motion seismology
Earthquake source process
Source characterization for strong motion prediction
Modeling of subsurface structure for strong motion simulation
Long period ground motion from large earthquakes
Recent Publications