Strong Motion Seismology, DPRI, Kyoto Univ.

Publication List in 2010

Reviewed Papers

Iwaki, A. and T. Iwata (2010).
Simulation of long-period ground motion in the Osaka sedimentary basin: performance estimation and the basin structure effects, Geophys. J. Int., 181, 1062-1076. [Link]
Iwata, T. (2010)
Strong Ground Motions, J. Jpn. Soc. Natur. Disas. Sci., 28, 313-324 (in Japanese with English abstract). [Link]
Petukhin, A., T. Iwata, and T. Kagawa (2010).
Study on the effect of the oceanic water layer on the strong ground motion simulation, Earth Planets Space, 62, 621-630. [Link]
Tobita, T., S. Iai, and T. Iwata (2010).
Numerical Analysis of Near-Field Asymmetric Vertical Motion, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 100, 1456-1469. [Link]
Zhang, W., T. Iwata, and K. Irikura (2010).
Dynamic simulation of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B04305, doi:10.1029/2008JB006201. [Link]


Iwata, T. and A. Iwaki (2010).
Long-period ground motion simulation of Osaka sedimentary basin for a hypothetical Nankai subduction earthquake, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Urban Earthq. Eng. and 5th Int. Conf. Earthq. Eng., 157-161. [Link]

Books and other publications

Asano, K. and T. Iwata (2010).
Source modeling and strong motion simulation of the 2009 Suruga Bay earthquake MJMA6.5) using the empirical Green's function method, Geophys. Bull. Hokkaido Univ., 73, 137-147. [Link]
Iwata, T. and K. Asano (2010).
Characterized Source Model of Intraslab Earthquakes for Strong Ground Motion Prediction, Geophys. Bull. Hokkaido Univ., 73, 129-135. [Link]
Kakehi, Y., Y. Saijo, and K. Somei (2010).
Analyses of Strong Ground Motions from Intraslab Earthquakes Using High-Density Observation Network Data: Relation to the Island Arc Structure, Geophys. Bull. Hokkaido Univ., 73, 57-70. [Link]
Somei, K., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2010).
Stress Drops of Events in the High Strain Rate Zone Estimated by Spectral Ratio Method Using Coda Waves, Chikyu Monthly, 32, 440-447.
Yamashita, K., K. Asano, and T. Iwata (2010).
Crustal Velocity Structure in Western Japan Using Seismic Interferometry (1) Estimation of Surface Wave Group Velocity, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 53B, 175-180 (in Japanese with English abstract). [Link]