Report of Zassikai on Apr. 24, 2003

日 時:2003年 4月24日(木)10:30 - 12:30
[DATE: April 24, 2003 (Thu.) 10:30 - 12:30]

場 所:防災研究所D570室(本館5階)
[PLACE: Room #D570, DPRI]

2003年度第1回の雑誌会は,現在,強震動地震学分野に滞在中のFrantisek GallovicさんとJan Burjanekさん (チェコ共和国Charles大学数学物理学部)に研究発表を行ってもらいました。
彼らのホームページ( http://geo.mff.cuni.cz/people_cz.htm) もご覧ください。

研究発表 [Research Report]

Reporter: Frantisek Gallovic (, J. Brokesova, J. Burjanek, J. Zahradnik.)
Title: Directivity in strong motion prediction techniques
Summary: Strong motion simulations for a future aftershock belong among the main aims of the EU project PRESAP. Three strong motion simulation techniques (kinematic k-2 and two composite) will be discussed mainly with respect to the amount of incoherent directivity.

Reporter: Jan Burjanek (and J. Zahradnik)
Title: Composite model with fractal subevents size distribution
Summary: We present finite-source model suitable for strong motion prediction. The method is based on EGF summation techniques. However we do not use EGF, time histories of subevents are computed synthetically. Subevents create fractal pattern. Model was applied to 1999 Athens earthquake.
